
June 23, 2013 combined worship at Trinity United Church

Entry of Bible and Christ Candle 

Phil Floyd and Jane Brewster  Co-Chairs of Trinity Church Council

The Life and Work of the Church

Entry of Bible and Christ Candle

Introit: Hymn 400  “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying”  (2X)
Call to Worship:
            The Spirit of the Holy One
          challenges our spirits,
          calling us away from everything
            that is false and unworthy.
            The Way of Jesus
          leads us on a new path,
          guiding us toward full and authentic life.
            The love of the Most High
          brings us together in worship,
          that we may dwell in the presence
            of the living God.

Metrical Psalm 42, p.766  “As the Deer Pants for the Water”

Prayer of Approach:
            God, as the scriptures are read this morning,
          we will hear that there is no long Jew or Greek,
          slave or free, male or female and that all are one in Christ.
          But your church is, nonetheless, divided:
            we worship in different ways;
            we cherish different customs;
            we are devoted to our separate buildings;
            there are many points of disagreement.
            Today, two communities of your divided church
          gather to worship together as neighbours and friends.
          May our worship be a witness
            to our unity in the heart of Christ
            and to the healing and wholeness for which we long.
            May we come to know ourselves
            as brothers and sisters in Christ,
            kindred in love and service.  
            God hear our prayer,
          and let our cry come to you.  Amen.

Passing the Peace

Hymn 606  “In Christ There Is No East or West”  (Tune 344 St. Peter)
Children’s Time      

The Lord’s Prayer

Epistle: Galatians 3:23-29   Reader:                              St. Paul’s

Gospel: St. Luke 8:26-39    Reader: Joan Smith            Trinity

Sermon/Homily      The Rev. Archdeacon John Clarke

Hymn 612  “There Is a Balm in Gilead”

Stewardship Second  (put one in)



Presentation of Offering:  Hymn 191  (More Voices)  “What Can I do?”
          What can I do?  What can I bring?
            What can I say?  What can I sing?
            I’ll sing with joy.  I’ll say a prayer.
            I’ll bring my love.  I’ll do my share. (2X)

Prayer of Dedication:
            With thankful hearts we present our gifts.
            They are not payments for what we have received.
            They are not the dues we owe for membership in the club.
            They are our grateful response to love beyond measure, 
            to grace overflowing.  We offer them in Jesus’ name.  Amen.
Prayers of the People                               Barb Stewart, Chair of Worship Committee

Hymn 142  (More Voices)  “Oh, a Song Must Rise”
Commissioning and Benediction

Dismissal: Hymn 298  “When You Walk From Here”
          When you walk from here,
            when you walk from here,
            walk with justice, walk with mercy,
            and with God's humble care. (3X)

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