
March 6, 2016 - Lent 4

The Gathering of the Community
The Apostolic Greeting      Pg. 185
Hymn 434: The Love of Jesus Calls Us
The Collect of the Day

The Proclamation of the Word

First Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
Psalm 32
Hymn 609: Far, Far Away
The Gospel: Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
The Creed    Pg. 189

The Prayers
The Prayers of the People
Confession and Absolution Pg. 191
The Peace

The Celebration of the Holy Eucharist
Hymn (offertory): This Little Light of Mine
Prayer over the Gifts
Eucharistic Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer Pg. 211
The Breaking of the Bread
Lamb of God
- 498: How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place
- Freely, freely (P263)  

Healing Station
The Scattering (Mark 4:20)
Hymn 179: Tree of Life (v. 4, 6e)
Prayer after Communion
the doxology
Hymn 500: The Servant Song