
April 6, Good Friday

Good Friday
10:30 AM  - The Stripping of the Altar
...in silence
Hymn 634: Jesus Remember Me
Organ Prelude
Followed by a period of silence as the choir and ministers enter.
11:00 AM - The Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
The Ministry of the Word
Book of Alternative Services          pg. 308
The Collect of the Day
Hymn 386: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
First Reading: Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Psalm 22 (1-17)
Refrain: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Second Reading: Hebrews 10:16-25
Anthem: Beneath the Cross of Christ
The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ
according to Mark (14:1 - 15:47).
The congregation can remain seated until the verse which mentions the arrival at Golgotha.
Hymn 202:  There Is A Green Hill Far Away
The Sermon        Archdeacon John Clarke
Meditation on the Cross          pg. 313
Hymn 192: Were You There (v 1-5)
The Solemn Intercession          pg. 309
Hymn 551: My Faith Looks Up To Thee
The Lord’s Prayer          pg. 318
The Closing Prayer          pg. 320
There is no blessing or dismissal added to the service.  The ministers, choir and congregation leave in silence (unless they desire to remain in the Church for prayer).

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